Sam Shnider

Attorney at Law, Maui Hawaii

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Contracts and Legal Documents

In all sorts of situations – you may need an attorney to review existing contracts or documents and determine your rights. Or you may need to create new contracts or legal instruments.

If you are looking to market your services or products online and in person, you will need to design contracts that are specific for your situation, clear to yourself and your customers, and which help protect your rights in a way that is fair for all involved.

In a typical drafting situation, you would lay out the entire context for your agreement, discuss all your questions and concerns, and I could present you with a version that meet your needs.

Many contracts and forms are available on line, and only minimal changes are necessary to adapt them to your situation. In such cases, I would be happy to present you with the form document, discuss its implications, and offer you pricing plans to modify it for your needs.